Rua João Cordeiro, 3069 – Joaquim Távora – Cep: 60.110-535 | Fortaleza-CE.
Mobile Brasil: +55 (85) 9.9816.0126 / +55 (85) 9.8984.1001 


Unfiltered, 5.3% alc. volume

Just as the Lithuanian folklore tradition spring (represented by the character Kanapinis) wins in a staged battle against winter, your desire to taste this beer will overcome any form of self-restraint.

The hero of our traditional holiday Kanapinis, a strong, healthy figure impersonating spring, always triumphs over Lašininis, a fat, dim character impersonating winter. Just as the winter is doomed to lose the battle every single year, one is hopeless against the temptations of this dark lager. This beer is a classic, just like its brewing technique. The beer is fermented in open bathes and carefully matured to surprise you with the very first sip. There is a barely perceptible traditional bitterness to this beer, which is followed by a perfectly balanced sweetness and an aftertaste of roasted malt. This beer embodies the expressive character of spring with its bright aromas of malt, caramel and hop, which are released with the opening of a beer bottle. If you look closely, you will also appreciate the intricacy of its dark mahogany color is. A real sign of victory, just not the kind that will decorate you with epaulettes, but a moustache of thick beer foam instead.

No additives – only water, barley malt, caramel malt, hops and beer yeast.