Rua João Cordeiro, 3069 – Joaquim Távora – Cep: 60.110-535 | Fortaleza-CE.
Mobile Brasil: +55 (85) 9.9816.0126 / +55 (85) 9.8984.1001 


Unfiltered, 5.7% alc. volume

Roasted in an oven, best served chilled.

Lithuanians like to call beer their “liquid bread” and this is represented accordingly in the production of this beer. Its malt is kneaded like bread dough, parted into loaves and roasted in a bread oven. After giving it a nice roast, the later brewing process is rather regular. This beer is dark in color, with a strong caramel aftertaste. The rich redness of the beer gradually transforms into the color of rye bread and is topped with a stiff beer head. This beer has a pleasantly sourish taste with a noticeable aftertaste of bread and traditional fermented kvass.

No additives – only water, roasted barley malt, barley malt, caramel malt, hops and beer yeast.