Rua João Cordeiro, 3069 – Joaquim Távora – Cep: 60.110-535 | Fortaleza-CE.
Mobile Brasil: +55 (85) 9.9816.0126 / +55 (85) 9.8984.1001 


Unfiltered, 5.8% alc. volume

Only successful transactions end in “magarycios”

Magaryčios is not a term well known for those outside of the Panevėžys area of Lithuania. This beer, however, is well-liked all across the country not for its name, but also for its recipe. The latter is based on years of brewing experience and mastery of turning a seemingly simple malt into a delicious beer, in which caramel and barley malts come together. Here the slight sweetness of the beer is followed by spicier aftertastes and the notes of roasted nuts. You are curious about the meaning of magaryčios? These are the victuals that crown success (be it after successfully buying or selling something or after making a good deal). Traditionally the most delicious beer was served alongside such celebratory provisions.

No additives – only water, barley malt, caramel malt, hops, and beer yeast.