Rua João Cordeiro, 3069 – Joaquim Távora – Cep: 60.110-535 | Fortaleza-CE.
Mobile Brasil: +55 (85) 9.9816.0126 / +55 (85) 9.8984.1001 


Unfiltered, 5.2% alc. volume

Inspired by German traditions and especially well received by Lithuanians

Germans sure know how to make good beer but our brewers are masters at nurturing the German practice. Therefore, inspired by the traditions from overseas and matured by the experts of our brewery, this beer has been tasted, recognized and loved by everyone around here. This comes as no surprise: rye malt, which is rich in fresh taste, is used to cook this beer. It is accompanied by a mild aroma of vanilla, cloves and rye, with barely palpable notes of banana. A
proven recipe for those who appreciate a Lithuanian masterpiece with German roots ant its cloudy, pale gold color as well as a frothy white foam.

No additives -only water, barley malt, rye malt, hops and top fermenting beer yeast.